Monday, April 28, 2014

We has opulence.

Tea at the Taj Palace Hotel!
What was going to be our last day in Mumbai turned into our penultimate day as well as quite swanky.  First, we woke up early (ugh), then met up with one of my brother's friends from Notre Dame!  He and his family live here and took us to lunch at the Cricket Club of India down-town. This is one of those places with rules like no slip on shoes and men cannot wear shorts - so Jefferson zipped on the bottom half of his pants and we were good to go! It was neat to see folks playing cricket just outside the restaurant and the food was delicious - but Dhiraj and his wife were shocked to see how little we ate.  Per them, Americans that visit usually eat a ton of food - and to be honest, Jefferson and I are usually pretty healthy eaters - but the heat and the 2.5 months travelling has shrunk our tummy's a bit.

The best part was when they took us to that same cafe we had trouble finding the other day - Theobroma. Here, Dhiraj, master-of-desserts, advised me to not just try the regular brownie again, but instead to order the "chocolate overload" brownie. This man is not to be argued with - that was most definitely the right decision.  Suparna (Dhiraj's wife), then took me shopping - so they are definitely my favorite couple in all of India right now. They had dinner plans so we parted ways, but not before they pointed us to "the best Mexican food in Mumbai".  So, of course, that's where we had dinner.

What to do to kill time before said dinner? How's about tea/coffee at the fancy Taj Palace Hotel in Mumbai?  Last time we were in India (2008), we were at the Taj Mahal (the real thing - different city) when this lovely hotel was bombed during a terrorist attack. Since then they have renovated, upped security and reopened and it's a very posh hotel to sip tea at.  I approve of their ambiance, but most especially I approve and appreciate their bathrooms - so clean and nice. 

It's time to say goodbye to John the cockroach (who I sometimes call Bob) and his twin Andy at our hotel and be off!  Next we are headed to the hot, hot town of Jaipur for a few days, then on to Delhi a bit early to say hi to some of Jefferson's family friends.  We will be home and at work exactly three weeks from today - AH!  Toodaloo!
A different kind of cheese "burger".
Pasta face!

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