Friday, April 18, 2014

The Backwaters

Welcome to the Backwaters!
So...the Backwaters of Kerala may be a bit too "roughing it" for me. I'm not Troop Beverly Hills, but I'm no Girl Scout any more (unless they are like the Marines and you're in it for life). We are on a house boat for the night and by day we made our slow way through scenic waters with a great breeze and a nice lunch (more Indian food I didn't hate!). But then dusk started in and with it came snakes and lizards and spiders and power outages and a plethora of freaking mosquitos. All within ten feet our less of me and I do not like nature touching me. But I did get to "shower" out of a bucket! Plus dinner was good! That snake didn't seem interested in coming aboard! That dog that Jefferson said might have rabies didn't bite us! Things are great!

Yummy lunch!
A boat just like our boat!
Oh no, is that dusk?
Jefferson wasn't too thrilled with the experience either, so we have moved on to the beach town of Varkala. Think cliffs and beach more than white sands. We like it lots and will probably stay for a few days drinking tea and coffee at each cliffside restaurant we find. 

Mosquito bite count: (including the two on my face since I slept with the rest of me covered) 12.
Of all seven countries so far, this is the worst Mexican food yet!
Morning tea in a cliff-side café (can you see the ocean?).
A better view of the cliffs and beach.

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