Wednesday, April 9, 2014


Petronas Towers (in the background, not Jefferson's fingers)

We took an eight-hour night boat (everyone gets their own pallet to sleep on!), to a four-hour mini-van (never sit in the way back - the bumps are intense), to a ten-hour double decker bus (big chairs, super comfy, waaaay too much AC goin' on) - and BOOM.  We're in Kuala Lumpur.

I bought prophetic stickers
It's a big city with tons of "Western" things like Kenny Rogers Roasters, Chili's and lots of Starbucks. We went up to the mall at the base of the Petronas Towers (very Harry Potter of them to name it like that), and spent one of the two days we have here relaxing.  We saw Captain America (Winter Solider) at the theatre they have there and then I got sick! At the mall! I will not go into detail!  It's only the third time on this trip though, and just like the others I have no idea what caused it - but I'm right as rain now. Probably. Today we're doing much of the same (hopefully without the exciting sickness) and relaxing and shopping around at a more local market instead of the mall.

But that is not the exciting news - the super exciting news is what we are doing for our four year wedding anniversary (which is this Thursday).  WE'RE GOING TO THE MALDIVES! AH!!  Soooo stupidly expensive but it looks ridiculously beautiful, has over-water bungalows, and we're all the way over here so why not? To put it another way, Jefferson is a good, good man - and very indulgent (which I think we all knew but didn't realize the extent of it until now).  If you aren't familiar with the Maldives, here are some shots of exactly where we're going:

So...I'm pretty excited.  I'll be taking an absolute TON of pictures and will report back in a few days about it all.  AH!
Malaysian beer - Skol!
Like the Japanese (who took the term from the Chinese) they say "kanpai!" here for "cheers!"

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