Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Granada, Spain

Last week I traveled to Granada, Spain with our friend Steve while Jefferson traveled to Denmark for work. It was a really fun trip and not just because - but mostly because - when you buy a drink they bring free food to your face ("tapas"). It's an amazing thing to experience. Every drink comes with a small to medium size food at no additional cost.

Some of the foods were really good - cheese, paella, pork, choroizo - and all were served with bread. These people like their carbs. The moment I got into town I met Steve at a Taberna and upon ordering a beer was given a plate of most delicious paella:
First free tapas, NOM

We also did a private tour of the Alhambra - which is a famous palace and fortress complex. We walked around it on our tour for about three hours and learned a lot. For instance, they don't know where the name "Alhambra" came from but they do know it means, "the red one" and the very first Muslim ruler to build up the Alhambra was, in fact, a ginger (red head) by the name of Mohammed. Amazing! So it could have been a reference to him - but much like Stonehenge, they have no idea. Here are just a few of the amazing things found in and around Alhambra - including a beautiful view of the Sierra Nevada mountains (see last pic way below).



Steve and I walked all over Granada - to parts most tourists don't go, parts lots of tourists go to, pretty much just picking a direction and going that way for a while then deciding to turn when it suited us. Which is how we found donut shop named Moopies (yes, I ate a donut), a free set of workout equipment in a park, and the strangest shaped eggplant ever.


Sierra Nevada mountains behind us!

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