Monday, November 14, 2016

Belated Halloween

Since we have two friends in London with birthdays on the 29th of October we decided to have our Halloween party the weekend after instead - which also happened to be the 5th of November (Guy Fawkes day). They celebrate that here in London by setting off lots of fireworks and burning effigies of Guy Fawkes. Totally normal.

The other thing we learned when throwing a Halloween party here is that you have to have a theme. Just saying, "Halloween" won't do. So our theme was ANIMAL. I went as a mounted trophy of a lion's head and Jefferson went as the hunter that shot me. It was a fun but mellow night and next year we need to get the pub crawl part of the night going again. Feast your eyes on these lovely animal pics...

Yummy spread!



Lots of poses with the wall trophy...

And probably my favorite pic of the night - it looks like our friend Matt is saying something just amazing and poetic about this dip he's eating - and we're all listening very intently.

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