Sunday, March 23, 2014

Mosquito Hunters


Heyo!  It's been a while because we've been super busy - but I'll get to that in a moment.  First, let's talk about the RACKET OF JUSTICE!  This gem, bought at a night market IS THE BEST.  It is shaped like a tennis racket and, when turned on and swung at the worst creature on the planet (the mosquito, of course) it zaps them!  A satisfying zap that you will see a video of once we leave the land of internet policing.  This RACKET OF JUSTICE makes up for me never getting a machete - about 100 fold.  We get lots of applause and cheers when we hunt in public places - it's really a public service.

Ok, so we've been busy at the Thai Massage School in Chiang Mai (yes, this is in Thailand - and yes, we are safe - they lifted the alert off of travelers going to Thailand).  We've been going to massage school from 9am-4pm each day and it's actually been really fun - if exhausting and like an all day workout.  A few highlights from school:
- We passed course one! Woo! We are now trained (ish).
- One of my instructors just sat next to me for a while asking why I was so pale and poking my leg like it was a great mystery - he even called the other teacher over to talk about it.
- They serve us lunch each day and MAN OH MAN is it spicy. No pad thai yet, dangit. (but don't worry - I have had it every single day elsewhere)
- Jefferson's partner for our exam was a lady about five foot nothin' - And she couldn't do some of the massage moves on him because she couldn't reach - ha!
- We learned a stomach massage that if done clockwise helps in the event of constipatin and counterclockwise for diarrhea - this could come in handy on our travels.
- Homework was coloring pictures in our workbook - best homework ever (and usually done over some beers).
- At one point I had my partner and an instructor both practicing on my legs and my partner said, "I bet you didn't wake up this morning and think two strange men would be massaging you at the same time, eh?"  Delightful.

School days were pretty much wake up, eat breakfast, go to school, get a gatorade to make up for all the sweating at school, have dinner, pass out, repeat.  We haven't had too many non-school days but we've spent a lot of time walking everywhere.  We even found a store that is basically the Whole Foods of Thailand - similar brands, similar atmosphere and everything.  At the end of two weeks of school my treat for even doing school will be a package of cheese and some bread purchased at said store - NOM NOM NOM.

The second day we were here, Jefferson also took a cooking course and learned to make two of his favorite Thai dishes (Green Curry and Tom Yum soup) as well as Pad Thai - my absolute favorite, I mean come on, is there really any other? However, while learning to cook me yummy dishes is great and all, in the end, the most important thing he got out of the class was how to say "no dried shrimp" for when I order pad thai.  Some places (as in all of the "good" places) put a bunch of miniature dried shrimps (head/tail/shell/yuck) in for flavoring and I don't like it one bit.  We've been free of it ever since his class!

We have, of course, had Mexican food already, plus I got to experience my first Change beer - which is Jefferson's all time favorite beer.  He says it's like playing beer roulette because the quality control is so poor here that some Changs are super strong and some weak - so you never know what you are going to get.  Unfortunately, Chang and my tummy don't get along (bad chang-overs), so I'm sticking with other beers. In fact, on St. Paddy's day we hit up one of two Irish pubs in town and had some Guinness and stew (and potato skins) to celebrate!

We are starting course two of massage school on Monday so wish us luck!  Then it's off to the beach!   
Happy St. Paddy's!
mmmm, Guinness!


1 comment:

  1. This post was awesome because it mentioned potato skins...
