Saturday, March 28, 2009


Oh yeah - Jeff and I lived it up Spring Break 2009 style for our last few nights in Latin America.  We stayed at an All Inclusive resort in Cancun and had a great time (even though we're not the best at taking advantage of all of the all inclusiveness - we tried!).  It was still great and a nice way to finish off the first leg of our trip. 
Way too many lizards in Cancun - and I'm not talking small ones - I'm talking 3 foot long big boys who just sit there on the sidewalk while you walk.  When you finally see them at 10 feet away and squeal like a scared piggy (not that I did the, but I did) they just slither on under the sidewalk so now you can't even see them but you know they are there.  Creepy!!  None on the resort, thank goodness.
After those two fantastic days we flew to Florida and are helping Jeff's friends Jake and Karin get ready for their wedding tomorrow.  First things first - we went to Chipoodles last night right after getting in and yes - it is still the most glorious of burritos.  Don't say "how can you say that when you were just in Mexico having authentic food" because it's different.  Chipoodles isn't about Mexican food.  Chipoodles is about the yumminess that is Chipoo-poo.  Plain and deliciously simple. 
I heart America and am glad to be back but also excited about our next adventure to South America.  First, however, we must visit with some friends in Florida and then part ways - Me to Arizona&Vegas and Jeff to Puerto Rico.  After that we'll meet up in Peru and start again.  Wish me luck in Vegas - I'm not exactly the stay out late type.


  1. Welcome back to the good old U.S. of A., even though it is Florida.

  2. Where in Florida are you guys and for how long?? Wedding sounds like fun :)

  3. Hey Ellen!! We visited Orlando and Fort Lauderdale but I'm leaving today and Jeff leaves Friday. The wedding was great - hope you're well!
