Sunday, January 7, 2018

Goodbye, Greenwich!

The O’Hansens have left London. I repeat, the O’Hansens have left London. Why? Because Jefferson’s two year contract is up and after two years – that really flew by – we are ready to try something new. London just wasn’t for us, but there are so many great memories we’ll have from our time here.

We’ll miss the Wild’s the most – I mean, I practically lived there half the time the first year when Jefferson traveled every other week – and we actually did live with them the last two weeks we were in London. We did so much with the Wild’s over the last two years and had so much fun! It was especially fantastic to watch this little kiddo grow up from a tubby munchkin to an adorable toddler.  

Alfred and new baby Charles!



He rambles on and on these days and most of it makes sense, but the part I like the best is the last month he started to say our names. They come out as more, “Kay-nan” and, “Jesh-shen”, but I’ll take it.

We spent the last few weeks in London giving away most of our stuff, storing the rest (thanks, friends!), moving out of our apartment and then moving in with the Wild’s for the last two weeks. We had Christmas and New Years together at Chez Wild and we decided to really go for it by making Christmas a Dickens theme. That meant funny hats and a goose for dinner…which was surprisingly delicious!


For New Years, little baby Charlie felt the need to celebrate his first NYE by being in the hospital with bronchitis and Sarah Wild was there with him. The rest of us were home and had a mellow but great NYE celebration of lost of food and hanging out.  FYI Charlie and Sarah Wild came home all safe and sound before we left the country!

Who are those other folks in the picture, you might be asking yourself. Why that’s Matt and Jesy from the FriendShip! Our good friend Cat, who we know from Chicago but lives in London now, introduced us to a plethora of Americans and we six power couples call our chat group the FriendShip (as in, ‘All Aboard the FriendShip’).  We’ve done cheese festivals together, tons of dinners, a wedding, bought a Danny Devito cardboard cutout, Thanksgiving, you name it. Adam and I even posed in the same way for our high school senior pictures. Twas a FriendShip that was meant to be. We’ll definitely all keep in touch with these guys – and how could we not? Look at us!


I’ll also miss my volleyball team – who I got to play with for a season and a half. They were so much fun and really took us in as part of the team family. Jefferson was dubbed the number one fan and given a t-shirt that said so since he was at every single game and almost every single practice. 


So basically what we’ll miss the most from London are the people that we’ve met. I’ll also miss the hummus at Waitrose and my wine fridge filled with prosecco, but not as much as the people.

With Jefferson’s new-found freedom we’re writing to you from Chennai, India and we’ll be here for one month doing a whole lot of not much. Actually, we do have some plans, but more on that later. For now, Happy New Year, everyone and we’ll talk to you soon!

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