Jefferson and I traveled to India again - this time for a wedding and this time in the winter months, thank goodness. Last time we were there it was so very hot and I didn't always have the best time (
see?). This time, though, was great! Awesome even!
The bride and groom in the middle! |
The wedding was beautiful and as always the family was so kind and welcoming.
I particularly liked having to shop for Jefferson and Danny's wedding outfits - they modeled different outfits like champs and I very much approve of what they chose. Per usual, I borrowed sari's from Auntie and one from the Wild's - which is a great way to go since I only get to wear them every 5-7 years or so. Putting on a sari is not easy but after someone helped me the first day, Jefferson was able to recreate the look every other time and the ladies were quite impressed with his sari wrapping skillz.
The brother of the groom is a family friend of ours that lives not too far outside of London and the last time we saw him (and his wife) was in 2014 when their baby was first born. This time, that same baby was a hilarious and adorable two year old who took a real liking to me, Jefferson and Danny.
Danny and I were eyeing the big throne like chairs that the bride and groom got to sit in at the ceremony and kept daring each other to sit in them. On the last night we saw other people posing for pictures on them so we went for it...
I also traveled to Scotland with Sarah Wild for a girl's weekend to go to a Rugby match. It was my first match ever and I must say, I'm really good luck. Scotland was playing Wales and beat them! My favorite part was getting my face painted and learning the rules of Rugby. There's something called a "scrum" which I call the big cuddle. There's something called the "lineout" which to me is straight up cheer leading.
It was also pretty nice and sunny weather during the match and the next morning... which made us think, hey - let's go visit those Kelpie statues in the middle of that park about 2 hours away. By the time we got there it was pouring rain - we're talking soaked to the bone rain coming down in buckets that I've been waiting over a year to see on this island - and I finally got it. When I wasn't even remotely dressed for it. It was still fun, though and the statues are pretty neat.
Serious rain - wrong gear. |
Kelpies - Lego version |
Real Kelpies |
You guys look RAVISHING in those saris. XOXO