Monday, January 23, 2017


Jefferson and I spent a quiet Christmas at home this year and had a wonderful time. We even got into the British ways of having Christmas pudding and it was disgusting but I'm glad we did it.  It's like a gelatin mass of fruit cake that sometimes has liquor and you sometimes light on fire. Which we didn't (maybe next year).

Our adorable tree.
Xmas "pudding"

Then Banana came to town - my roommate for all four years at Kenyon. Her name is Anna, but I call her Banana, and we had suuuuch a great time.

First we celebrated New Years together along with the Wild's and other awesome folks. We played a hilarious ring toss game involving blow up reindeer antlers, which I didn't want to take off for the rest of the night.

We went to afternoon tea twice - each one was awesome. The first was Science tea (SCIENCE!). It was near the Science Museum and the Natural History Museum so the theme was fitting and hilarious. The desserts were all shaped like dinosaurs or planets or astronauts, and the scones were delicious. We also went to the always amazing Fortnum & Mason tea in the Diamond Jubilee room - my personal favorite. So tasty, so pretty - and bottomless scones, desserts and mini sandwiches. NOM. Wait, we did it three times if I count the super cute tea room in Edinburgh that we went to. You can never have too much tea! Or scones. Or cake.

Scottish Tea!

We went to so very many museums. Banana went to even more without me, but together I'm pretty sure we saw every museum Edinburgh has to offer on our short trip to Scotland. Banana is not one to pass up anything at museums that say, "try this on to see how people dressed way back when...". 

We also did a bunch of things I've always wanted to do here but never got around to - like the Sky Gardens on top of the walkie-talkie building here, going to the Greenwich Observatory and Planetarium, or having a pint at the Plume of Feathers pub near Greenwich park (it was everything I wanted it to be - cozy, cute, good beers and chips). SO FUN.

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