headed to Porto, Portugal to drink some Port. We've had steak in
Salsbury, UK, we've had Pisco Sours in Pisco, Peru - we must keep
the trend alive!
So we did. But I don't like Port. I thought it was supposed to be
like wine - I tried the white and the red - and neither tastes like
wine to me. This tastes more like a strong alcohol - and that's not
something I handle well. Jeff liked it, though, so we had to try it.
Porto was a cute little town with only 2 downfalls: 1. It is very
hilly and although I am a big fan of downhill, I do NOT love anything
that makes me walk uphill. 2. We were both just getting colds of some
sort (not swine flu) from having too much fun for 2 weeks straight.
Lucky for me they have what is called a Foonicular. I've never heard
of it (or maybe I have and my brain dumped the info long ago before I
started hating uphill and realized this would be a good bit of info to
have...). A Foonicular is basically a godsend for lazy people. It's
a cart on tracks that takes you up and down hills. SO worth it. So
we just had to try the Foonicular - and since we had to go up hill to
get back to our hotel it was really a win win situation. So Porto was
cute for 2 nights and then we were off again, this time via Ryanair
(the airline so cheap that they will soon charge for you to use their
bathrooms in the air) to Paris, France.
Now Paris was just ok. I know it's supposed to be the most beautiful
and romantic and all that, but it was just ok. We saw some catacombs
- which are really gross if you think about it - we payed money to
walk through caves with thousands of dead peoples bones piled neatly
all around us. But also interesting - and of course we visited Notre
Dame and a museum and the Eiffle Tower. Then comes the reaaaaally fun
part of France! We went to Tours! This is the town closest to
Vouvray - where my favoritest wine comes from!! We got to rent bikes
(and of course it rained) and go around to different vineyards and
drink Vouvray (in Vouvray - the trend continues). It was awesome and
fun (biking on flat land is doable even for me) and we bought 3
bottles of yummy wine. We dropped Rocko's business cards in case we
could get something more interesting but the tastings were already
free. I was THIS close to having Jeff speak only in French to the
vineyards and tell them he was Rocko and to call anytime...mua ha ha -
that would have been hysterical. But we didn't. Promise.
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