Monday, July 27, 2009

The Tall Tall Dutch

Oh did we have fun in Holland. Rotterdam is a beautiful city with
super fun people - at least 2 anyway. We visited our friends who we
had met in Honduras earlier this year and they showed us their
hometown of Rotterdam. It was fantastic. We went to a comedy show
where the first girl on stage was a comedian from Evanston, IL -
strange coincidence.

Then we rode some bikes through a park to the museum in the middle - a
museum which has more Van Gogh paintings than even the Van Gogh museum
in Amsterdam. It was an awesome ride even if my butt hurt later and
we got rained on a lot.

Jeff was excited to eat Rice Tafel - some sort of thing you do when in
Holland per Jeff's family but it really turned out to be chinese food.
It was good, though.

We also ate the traditional food of the Dutch called bitter balls.
They were deep fried balls something yummy with some spicey mustard on
the side. YUM.

Lastly on the yummy food list was the last night we were there when
our friends cooked us a meal of mashed potatoes with endive and gravy
with sausage and bacon on the side. Goodness it was hearty but oh was
it good.

No, Rocko, I am not yet 400 pounds. But I'm getting hungry again just
writing about all this food. Next we were off to London and Portugal
for the two wedding ceremonies of my best friend Sarah Wild. But that
deserves it's own friendly update...

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